Friday, August 17, 2012

Keeping focus!!!

I have not abandoned this new blog...I have, however, been away from my computer and busy doing a million other things.  I also have a habit of letting those million other things allow me to lose focus on what's important.

There's a LOT going on right now, and I am trying to figure out how to balance it all.  We just moved to a new home, in a new state...I'm still surrounded by boxes and things that need to find their place.  I'm trying to finish my pharmacy class so that I can get a job...getting Alana ready for school.  All while being a full-time, stay at home mom.  I won't lie.  It's's trying...Some days I am ready to throw in the towel and lock myself in my room and take a nap :)  But I don't...and I won't.

The next thing on my list of 33 things that I'd like to conquer by 33 is to learn to remained focused!  I need to keep my eyes ahead--or better yet, ABOVE.


1 comment:

  1. Right now you are in what might be the MOST "multi-task" time of your life, so don't despair and don't be too hard on yourself.You have been and are being a very good mother and that takes "all you have". You definitely have the wisdom to realize the necessity of keeping your eyes ABOVE because that is how you will pass through this phase in your life without going "bonkers":) Keep up your good really are at a turning point! I found when 36 came around I could suddenly "breathe again".:)
    Keep smiling that beautiful smile !
